Hosta sieboldiana【オオバギボウシ】|写真と特徴!


オオバギボウシ (大葉擬宝珠)

Hosta sieboldiana【オオバギボウシ】大葉擬宝珠

 学 名: Hosta sieboldiana
 別 名: トウギボウシ、ハヤザキオオバギボウシ、ウノハナギボウシ、ウツリギボウシ
 科 名: キジカクシ科
 属 名: ギボウシ属
 原産地: 日本固有種 (北海道、本州)
 園芸分類: 山野草、草花
 形 態: 多年草
 鑑賞期: 6〜9月
 草 丈: 50〜100cm
 花 色:







英語ではギボウシの葉がオオバコに似ていることから「Plantain lily」と呼ばれます。また、属名から「Hostaホスタ」とも呼ばれます。学名「Hostaホスタ」は、オーストリアの植物学者で医者のニコラス・トーマス・ホストの名前からきています。




オオバギボウシは、落葉樹の下などの半日陰で育てます。強い日光に長く当たると葉焼けを起こすので、 梅雨明け後は半日陰になる場所が適地です。 早春か秋に、株分けを して増やします。

Hosta sieboldiana

Hosta sieboldiana is a perennial wildflower of the genus Hosta of the Asparagus family. Hosta is a specialty of East Asia, and most of its friends are native to Japan. Beautiful leaves such as variegated leaves, golden leaves, and bluish leaves are attractive. It is also popular in Europe and the United States, and many cultivars are produced.

In English, it is called “Plantain lily” because the leaves of hosta resemble plantains. It is also called “Hosta Hosta” because of its genus name. The scientific name “Hosta Hosta” comes from the name of the Austrian botanist and doctor Nicholas Thomas Host.

The Japanese name “Giboshi Giboshi” comes from the fact that the buds of the hosta resemble the giboshi, which is an upside-down onion attached to the head of a bridge or temple parapet.

In addition, spring young shoots and young leaves are called “moisture” and are also sold as food.

Hosta sieboldiana grows in half-shade, such as under deciduous trees. If it is exposed to strong sunlight for a long time, it will burn leaves, so it is best to have a place that is half shaded after the rainy season. In early spring or autumn, we will divide the stock and increase it.

Hosta sieboldiana Photo オオバギボウシ 写真


