



Basic information and features of daisies

Daisy is a flower of the genus Bellis of the Asteraceae family. It is a perennial native to Europe and the Mediterranean coast.
It has pretty flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm from white to pink. Today, many cultivars are being cultivated.
It is cultivated as an annual autumn plant because it is vulnerable to the heat of summer.
The flowers are double-flowered and some have a diameter of 2 cm to 8 cm. In addition, there are white, pink, crimson, and squeezed flower colors, which are compact with a height of about 10 cm to 20 cm and are enjoyed for edging spring flower beds and pot cultivation.
The English name was given from Days Eye (Sun’s Eye) because of the nature that the flower opens when it receives light and the yellow core can be seen, or because of the flower shape like the sun.


Daisy flower characteristics


English daisies. Tyrolean daisies.

How daisies bloom depends on the variety. Typical examples are “English daisies” in single bloom and “Tyrolean daisies” in pompon blooms.


How to grow

Daisy is a flower that likes the sun.

It has the ability to withstand a certain amount of shade, but if there is too little sunlight, the stems may grow longer and flowering may worsen.
Especially when the seedlings are being grown, it is important to expose them to the sun. By doing so, the stock itself will grow robustly.
It can be grown in planters and pots, but it can also be planted and grown.
I prefer a well-drained environment, so be aware of this when growing in a planter or pot, and grow in a sunny place.
Even when growing indoors, it is good to keep it in a sunny place such as a window.
Watering is plenty when you are thirsty in the morning. This is because if you water in the afternoon, the soil will not dry properly by night and the roots may be damaged that night. Daisies are vulnerable to drainage, so pay close attention to the surface of the soil and water it at the right time.



