Dinema polybulbon【ディネマ・ポリブルボン】
学 名: | Dinema polybulbon |
別 名: | |
科 名: | ラン科 |
属 名: | ディネマ属 |
原産地: | メキシコから中米、カリブ海諸国 |
園芸分類: | 草花 |
形 態: | 多年草 |
鑑賞期: | 12月~3月 |
草 丈: | 5cm程度 |
花 色: | 茶色 |
管 理
Dinema polybulbon
A small orchidaceous plant. It is also known as an easy-to-cultivate western orchid. It is distributed in Cuba, Mexico, Jamaica and Guatemala. It is a small orchid that grows naturally around 600-2000m above sea level. It has excellent cold resistance and is resistant to heat. It can be easily cultivated at room temperature without a special greenhouse. Although it is a type that is relatively resistant to low temperatures, keep it indoors in winter and keep it at least 5 ° C.
Cultivate in a sunny place. In winter, place it on the windowsill in the room. It is cultivated outdoors from spring to autumn. When you put it outdoors, it is better to shade it a little so that the plants will grow better. This variety prefers water throughout the year.