Rhododendron scabrum【ケラマツツジ】慶良間躑躅
学 名: | Rhododendron scabrum |
別 名: | サツクワンバナ、カザンジマ、ジュルクニチバナ |
科 名: | ツツジ科 |
属 名: | ツツジ属 |
原産地: | 奄美、沖縄の固有種 |
園芸分類: | 花木、常緑低木 |
形 態: | 低木 |
鑑賞期: | 2~5月 |
草 丈: | 1m~3m |
花 色: | 赤 |
Rhododendron scabrum
It is an evergreen shrub that is distributed in Okinawa, south of Amami, and is an endemic species. In Okinawa, which is its hometown, it can be seen in rocky areas along mountain streams and at the forest edges of mountains. Since the Edo period, it has been caught for the purpose of horticulture, and the number of natural individuals is decreasing.
The flowers are about 6-8 cm in size and are characterized by bright red flowers.
I prefer a sunny and well-drained place. Cultivation in warm regions is recommended because it is vulnerable to the cold.
I especially like acidic soil, so I plant it in soil mixed with Kanuma soil.
Rhododendron scabrum Photo ケラマツツジ 写真